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POSTing and GETting with jQuery and MVC

The jQuery library has an extensive set of AJAX functions which make it very easy to handle website functionality with all the Ajaxy goodness you’ve come to expect. However there are some gotcha’s when working with MVC and I thought I’d take some time to talk about them.

The first thing to remember is to decorate your Actions with the appropriate Http verbs, either [HttpPost] or [HttpGet]. By default MVC 2 only allows [HttpPost] requests when requesting a Json response. Phil Haack has a great article on this at

In a project I am working on I want users to be able to add other users as friends, see if their friend is online, and if necessary, delete a friend. This jQuery function allows a user to add a friend:

1: function acceptFriend(friendId) {

2: var url = "/Member/AcceptFriendRequest/";

3: var data = "friendId=" friendId;

4: $.post(url, data,

5: function (json) {

6: if (json == "success") {

7: //add the div to the My Friends section

8: addNewFriendToList(friendId);

9: } else {


11: }

12: }, 'json');

13: }

You can see here that I am POSTing the data back to the server by defining the url, and any data that needs to be sent as well (lines 2 and 3). Then, depending on the response, add the friend to a friend list. I don’t use an ActionResult but instead use a JsonResult in the Member controller.

1: [HttpPost]

2: public JsonResult AcceptFriendRequest(int friendId)

3: {

4: var status = "success";

5: try

6: {

7: var member = _appHelpers.GetAuthenticatedMember(User.Identity.Name);

8: var memberId = member.Id;

9: var memberFriend = (from mf in _db.MemberFriends

10: where mf.MemberId.Equals(memberId)

11: && mf.FriendId.Equals(friendId)

12: select mf).FirstOrDefault();

13: if(memberFriend != null)

14: {

15: memberFriend.Approved = true;

16: _db.SaveChanges();

17: }

18: }

19: catch(Exception ex)

20: {

21: status = "false";

22: }

23: return Json(status);

24: }

One thing I have discovered that for POST actions you don’t need the [HttpPost] attribute, but I put it in there for readability. The code above is pretty straightforward and not difficult to understand. What caused me a few hours of head scratching was when I was trying to do a GET and find out if a user was online. Two things were standing in my way, and I realized I *needed* to use the [HttpGet] attribute, and override the JsonResult’s default of not allowing GETs. This jQuery checks to see if a user is online.

1: $.ajax({

2: url: "/Member/UserIsOnline/" friend, //friend is an (int) id defined earlier

3: type: "GET",

4: success: function (result) {

5: if (result == "true") {

6: $(friendElement).removeClass("friendOffline").addClass("friendOnline");

7: } else {

8: $(friendElement).removeClass("friendOnline").addClass("friendOffline");

9: }

10: }

11: });

The JsonResult in the controller is decorated with [HttpGet]

1: [HttpGet]

2: public JsonResult UserIsOnline(int id)

3: {

4: var member = _appHelpers.GetMemberById(id);

5: bool isOnline;

6: try

7: {

8: MembershipUserCollection users = Membership.GetAllUsers();

9: MembershipUser user = users[member.Email];

10: isOnline = user.IsOnline;

11: }

12: catch (Exception ex)

13: {

14: isOnline = false;

15: }

16: return Json(isOnline, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

17: }

If you don’t add the JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet parameter you will get the following error when attempting to run you code:

`This request has been blocked because sensitive information could be disclosed to third`` party web sites when this is used in a GET request. To allow GET requests, set JsonRequestBehavior to`` AllowGet.`

Once you get these gotchas out of the way, you’re on your way.

Happy Programming from ComponentOne



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