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GrapeCity ActiveReports Part 3: Silverlight Viewer ToolBar

This is the third in a series of ActiveReports Blogs and is a continuation of:

Part 1 Getting Started
Part 2 Run a report

ActiveReports Script 3 – Silverlight Viewer Toolbar and License message

1) How do I get rid of the red message “ActiveReports 6 Silverlight Viewer control requires Professional Edition license”.


2) To get rid of the red license error message: Select the Silverlight project and Tools | Generate ActiveReports 6 Silverlight Runtime License

3) You will now see the license file added to the project…


4) Now, let’s look at the Silverlight Viewer ToolBar:


The tool bar from left to right includes these components:

5) Table of contents button - this could be modified for each country for example and we have a thumbnail tab as well.

6) Print button - we will talk more about printing in another part to this blog series.

7) Search button, search on “Great lakes”

8) Zoom in, Text is vector based (Silverlight based)

9) 1:1 - zoom to %100

10) Slider Zoom

11) Zoom out

12) Fit to Page Width

13) Fit Whole Page

14) Single Page View


15) Scroll View , looks like a word doc

16) Pagination buttons

17) Back button will give you last page viewed

The ribbon is customizable and this topic will be covered in a subsequent part in this blog series.

Part 4 will cover inserting a report file upload button to the page.

Technorati Tags: ActiveReports,Getting started,grapecity,reporting components,DataDynamics,multi-part series,AR Tutorial,AR,AR Script,Tutorial,Script,part 3,license message,toolbar

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