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Tech Resolutions for 2017

January's not over yet, so it's just the right time to make some promises for the next year. Here's how some GrapeCity developers are planning to improve their work habits this year. How will you improve your code this year? Bernardo de Castilho, CTO: "I will write more samples and better documentation." Christian Gaetano, technical engagement engineer: "Planning out projects just enough before starting. Whether it's through GitHub Projects, Trello, or just pen and paper, my goal is to outline the purpose and vision for any projects I start in 2017 before working on them. Part of that goal is to not get too bogged down in the technical details, though, so I can get started quickly and iterate as I work." Henry Wang, XAML team leader: "In 2017, I'd like to spend some time on some tech that I did not touch before, like Xamarin, Azure, Python, even though these are not relative with my work. It's not bad to keep eager to learn technology." Justin Mack, customer engagement manager: "Making use of emerging technologies such as AI and ML will be a huge focus for me in 2017. There are plenty of opportunities to move that piece of the industry forward, and I would like to be a part of it." Irina Pykhova, program manager of desktop team: "I want to focus on improving code quality and performance in long-lived projects. After some years of active development almost every project needs quality review with fresh eye. Hope we will find more time for this." Chris Bannon, global product manager of Wijmo: "Be excellent to each other. We should be kinder and more inclusive to all developers, regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, inexperience or seniority. The quality of the software we create reflects the environment in which we develop it. That goes for the dev environment and team environment too." billandted


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